Regional Early Action Planning Grants Program
For more information about this plan, contact Paul by email or phone: (831) 264-5092
Regional Early Action Planning Grants Programs
The adopted FY 2019-20 California Budget (AB 74, June 2019) and the associated housing trailer bill (AB 101) established the Regional Early Action Planning Grant Program (REAP 1.0) REAP 1.0 was established for the purpose of providing regions and jurisdictions with one-time funding, focusing on grants for planning activities, to enable jurisdictions to meet the 6th Cycle of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA). The program is administered by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). This program includes local jurisdictional funds and regional funds.
The adopted FY 2021-22 California Budget (AB 140, July 2021) established a follow-up program, REAP 2021 (REAP 2.0). REAP 2.0 seeks to accelerate infill housing development, reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), increase housing supply at all affordability levels, affirmatively further fair housing, and facilitate the implementation of adopted regional and local plans to achieve these goals. REAP 2.0 is administered by HCD in collaboration with the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR), the Strategic Growth Council (SGC), and the California Air Resources Board (CARB).
Regional Early Action Planning Grants (REAP) 1.0
The regional portion of the Local Housing Support Grants Program funding was allocated to mega-regions throughout the state. In the Central Coast, approximately $8,000,000 in funding was allocated to the Central Coast Housing Working Group (CCHWG). The CCHWG is composed of representatives from jurisdictions within the counties of Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Barbara counties. Funding has been made available to COGs and jurisdictions within the region for housing planning purposes.
Please see the Plan Docs section below for applications and template resolutions for jurisdictions in the AMBAG, SBtCOG, SLOCOG and SBCAG regions.
For Grant and application questions, please contact Paul Hierling at or by phone at (831) 264-5092.
For your Council of Governments, see below for contact information:
- Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG), please contact Paul Hierling at or by phone at (831) 264-5092.
- San Benito Council of Governments (SBtCOG), please contact Veronica Lezama at or by phone at (831) 637-7665.
- San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG), please contact Sara Sanders at or by phone at (805) 597-8052.
- Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG), please contact Michael Becker at or by phone at (831) 915-9466.
Regional Early Action Planning Grants (REAP) 2.0
REAP 2021 (REAP 2.0) was established through AB 140 (July 2021) as part of the mid-year budget revise for the State’s FY 21-22 budget. Approximately $600 million is available statewide to support transformative and innovative projects that implement a region’s Sustainable Communities Strategy and help achieve goals of more housing and transportation options that reduce reliance on cars. With funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the State will allocate approximately $10 million to AMBAG, with an initial allocation of 10 percent of funds made available in the second half of 2022, pending approval of AMBAG’s early application.
AMBAG will use the advance funding to deploy an outreach and engagement strategy and develop programs to disperse these funds throughout the region in support of transformative planning that promotes the core program objectives of REAP 2.0: (1) infill housing development, especially as it facilitates housing element compliance and progress for the 6th cycle of the RHNA; (2) reduction of Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT), especially as it relates to implementation of AMBAG’s Sustainable Communities Strategy; and (3) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH).
Note that while the program continues with the REAP name, REAP 2.0 has a broader focus on implementation of eligible programs and activities than REAP 1.0. The REAP 2.0 funds have a broader set of objectives and can be spent on both planning and capital projects. REAP 2.0 funds must be obligated by June 2024 and expended by June 2026.
The statewide REAP 2.0 Draft Program Guidelines were released on March 24, 2022, with comments on the draft due by April 15, 2022. The REAP 2.0 Final Program Guidelines and Notice of Funding Availability were released on July 27, 2022.
AMBAG developed a REAP 2.0 program framework. AMBAG’s full funding application was driven by the State’s program guidelines and a stakeholder engagement process. Throughout 2022, AMBAG conducted outreach to a broad array of stakeholders to identify programs and partners and developed the full REAP 2.0 application. The full application was submitted to the State in December 2022.
REAP 2.0 Program Framework
The AMBAG REAP 2.0 Program Framework consists of three components:
- Regional Competitive Grant Program developed and administered by AMBAG that supports all REAP 2.0 objectives (60%)
- Local Suballocation Grant Program to cities and counties to implement 6th Cycle Housing Elements with a specific focus on infill development and SCS implementation activities that meets all the REAP 2.0 objectives (25%)
- AMBAG SCS Implementation, Technical Assistance, REAP 2.0 Program Development and Administration (15%)
AMBAG REAP 2.0 Grant Guidelines
The Draft Program Guidelines for the Regional Competitive and Local Suballocation Grant Programs were released for a 30-day public review period ending on May 9, 2023. The AMBAG Board of Directors approved the final grant guidelines and directed staff to issue the Notice of Funding Availability on June 14, 2023.
REAP 2.0 Application Workshop
AMBAG hosted a virtual workshop to provide an overview of the REAP 2.0 applications for the Regional Competitive and Local Suballocation Grant Programs.
Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Grant
HCD released a notice of funding availability and application on January 27, 2020. Local jurisdictions must request an allocation of funds from HCD by January 31, 2021, and must identify specific strategies to meet their 6th Cycle of the RHNA. Eligible activities shall be limited to housing-related planning activities. For more information, please go to the HCD's Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Grants page.
This plan is still in progress
AMBAG Board of Directors Meeting June 2023
AMBAG Office Conference RoomJune 14, 2023 | 6:00pm - 9:09pm
Members of the public and non-voting members may use the following link to join the
AMBAG Board of Directors meeting online:
Or Telephone: US: +1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 839 8469 5375
Passcode: 986282
AMBAG governed by a twenty-four member Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each City and County within the region. Elected officials from 18 cities and two supervisors from each county make up the AMBAG Board. The AMBAG region includes Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz County. AMBAG serves as both a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG). Required to follow the Brown Act.
For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750
AMBAG Board of Directors Meeting
AMBAG Office Conference RoomMay 10, 2023 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Members of the public and non-voting members may use the following link to join the
AMBAG Board of Directors meeting online:
Or Telephone: US: +1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 826 3243 4507
Passcode: 793930
AMBAG governed by a twenty-four member Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each City and County within the region. Elected officials from 18 cities and two supervisors from each county make up the AMBAG Board. The AMBAG region includes Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz County. AMBAG serves as both a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG). Required to follow the Brown Act.
For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750
REAP 2.0 Draft Guidelines Virtual Workshop
Zoom WebinarApril 27, 2023 | 10:00am - 11:00am
Zoom Webinar Link:
Passcode: 615200
AMBAG will host a virtual workshop to provide an overview of the draft guidelines, answer questions and receive input. Following the presentation, participants are encouraged to submit comments on the draft grant guidelines for AMBAG’s REAP 2.0 Program.
REAP 2.0 Information/Listening Session
Zoom WebinarOctober 13, 2022 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm
AMBAG will host a virtual information/listening sessions to share a REAP 2.0 program overview. Attendees will learn about the program development timeline and upcoming opportunities to provide input on the program. During the virtual sessions, AMBAG staff will present our approach for developing the REAP 2.0 Program. Following the presentation, participants will be encouraged to submit comments to provide feedback on the development of AMBAG’s REAP 2.0 Program.
Zoom Webinar Link:
Passcode: 613721
REAP 2.0 Information/Listening Session
Zoom WebinarSeptember 26, 2022 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm
AMBAG will host a virtual information/listening sessions to share a REAP 2.0 program overview. Attendees will learn about the program development timeline and upcoming opportunities to provide input on the program. During the virtual sessions, AMBAG staff will present our approach for developing the REAP 2.0 Program. Following the presentation, participants will be encouraged to submit comments to provide feedback on the development of AMBAG’s REAP 2.0 Program.
Zoom Webinar Link:
Passcode: 477826
AMBAG Board of Directors August 2022 Meeting
GoToWebinarAugust 10, 2022 | 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Meeting Via GoToWebinar
DATE: August 10, 2022
TIME: 6:00 PM
To view recording of this webinar please visit:
AMBAG governed by a twenty-four member Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each City and County within the region. Elected officials from 18 cities and two supervisors from each county make up the AMBAG Board. The AMBAG region includes Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz County. AMBAG serves as both a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG). Required to follow the Brown Act.
For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750
AMBAG Board of Directors Meeting April 2022
GoToWebinarApril 13, 2022 | 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Meeting Via GoToWebinar
DATE: April 13, 2022
TIME: 6:00 PM
To view recording of this webinar please visit:
For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750
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