Climate Adaptation Planning
For more information about this program, contact Amaury by email or phone: (831) 264-5089
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Even with the efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the current level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere already have resulted in changes to the climate and will continue to do so. AMBAG recognizes that the region is and will continue to be affected by the impacts of climate change, such as sea level rise, storms, heat waves, wildfires, or ongoing drought. AMBAG has begun to consider impacts of climate change as projects are designed, built, and maintained, recognizing the importance of protecting infrastructure investments and safeguarding ecosystem services.
Central Coast Highway 1 Climate Resiliency Study
The Central Coast Highway 1 Climate Resiliency Study is a collaborative project on the Highway 1 corridor near Elkhorn Slough, which presents significant challenges to the future of transportation in the Monterey Bay region under conditions of climate change and sea level rise. Elkhorn Slough is California's third largest tract of tidal wetlands and hosts extraordinary biological diversity, providing critical habitat for more than 135 aquatic birds, 550 marine invertebrate species, and 102 fish species. Changes to the road and railway infrastructure will likely affect these important ecological resources. This multi-benefit planning study seeks to identify the needs and opportunities to improve transportation mobility, safety and efficiency, promote healthy coastal habitats, and provide economic security and benefits to the local community.
Caltrans 2019 Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments
The summary report and associated Technical Reports describe climate change effects in Caltrans District 5. The summary reports provided a high-level review of potential climate impacts to each district’s portion of the State Highway System, while the technical reports present detail on the technical processes used to identify these impacts.
Habitat Conservation
A number of habitat related environmental mitigation activities are being developed in the AMBAG region in order to coordinate on ways to build resiliency among species and habitats.
The Monterey County Regional Conservation Investment Strategy (RCIS), is being developed by the Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) while the Santa Cruz County RCIS is being developed by the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (SCCRTC), in coordination with the Santa Cruz County Resource Conservation District. Both plans will assess the vulnerability of species and habitat to climate change related stressors (drought, wildfire, and landslides, etc.); develop conservation strategies to improve resiliency from the identified stressors; and define a framework to finance the implementation of these conservation strategies as compensatory mitigation from new transportation improvements. Both plans will be reviewed and approved by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and will serve as a blueprint to protect habitats and build ecosystem resiliency in the region.