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Monterey Bay Natural and Working Lands Climate Mitigation and Resiliency Study


For more information about this plan, contact Amaury by email or phone: (831) 264-5089

Monterey Bay Natural and Working Lands Climate Mitigation and Resiliency Study

On December 6, 2021, the California Department of Conservation awarded AMBAG a Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation (SALC) program planning grant to fund the creation of a Monterey Bay Natural and Working Lands Climate Mitigation and Resiliency Study.

The study includes an inventory of natural and working lands carbon stock in the AMBAG region by jurisdiction, a carbon forecast, and a list of adaptation and mitigation strategies each with recommended implementation actions. The goal of the study is to empower stakeholders to consider the health of natural and working lands as a part of long-range planning as well as provide an opportunity for cities and counties to further integrate natural and working land GHG mitigation strategies as part of their climate action planning process.

Natural and Working Lands Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies

The study team conducted extensive research across the region and state to develop a list of strategies that were appropriate and scalable in the Monterey Bay Area. These strategies are intended to locally support the implementation of the treatments listed in the CARB 2022 scoping plan. Stakeholders and subject matter experts were then consulted to assist in refining strategies and implementation actions through a series of focus group and stakeholder working group meetings held in 2023 and 2024. The strategies are organized by the broad land use categories in which they will occur:

-           Urban forests and parks

-           Forests

-           Conservation open space and agriculture lands