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Regional Clearinghouse


For more information about this plan, contact Regina by email or phone: (831) 264-5096

The Clearinghouse newsletter allows for the notification, review and evaluation of federal, state and local development and planning activities that have a potentially significant impact on the environment per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The process is intended to promote sharing of planning information in the region. The newsletter is distributed to interested parties twice monthly and is reviewed by the AMBAG Board of Directors at their monthly meetings. Under adopted State Clearinghouse Procedures, the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) was designated the regional agency responsible for Clearinghouse operations in Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey Counties. To be added to the regional clearinghouse distribution list please email with "Regional Clearinghouse" in the subject line.

Under adopted State Clearinghouse Procedures, the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) was designated the regional agency responsible for Clearinghouse operations in Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey Counties on March 12, 1984.

These procedures implement Presidential Executive Order 12372 as interpreted by the State of California Procedures for Intergovernmental Review of Federal Financial Assistance and Director Development Activities. They also implement the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) of 1970 as interpreted by State CEQA Guidelines, as well as the intent of respective AMBAG member governments as expressed by the following excerpt from the Role and Scope Memorandum of 1972: AMBAG shall serve as a regional forum for the review and discussion of plans and projects of area-wide significance.

This plan is still in progress


AMBAG Board of Directors

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ADD TO CALENDAR 04/07/2020 08:00 AM 04/07/2020 10:00 AM America/Los_Angeles Summary of the event Description of the event Location of the event

March 10, 2021 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Meeting Via GoToWebinar
DATE: March 10, 2021
TIME: 6:00 PM

Please register for the AMBAG Board of Directors meeting at:

The following documents are provided by outside agencies. The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary 2020 Accomplishments, TAMC Project List for the 2045 MTP/SCS and RTP, SBtCOG Project List for the 2045 MTP/SCS and RTP, and SCCRTC Project List for the 2045 MTP/SCS and RTP.  Please contact Ana Flores at or at 831-883-3750 if you have problems accessing the information.

AMBAG governed by a twenty-four member Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each City and County within the region. Elected officials from 18 cities and two supervisors from each county make up the AMBAG Board.  The AMBAG region includes Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz County. AMBAG serves as both a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG).  Required to follow the Brown Act. 

For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750

PDF filePDF fileAgenda       PDF filePDF fileMinutes      

Future AMBAG meetings may be subject to change and/or cancellation. Please call AMBAG to verify meeting date, time and location when planning to attend. Information for all non AMBAG events is provided by external sources and is intended for general purposes only. While reasonable efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained. AMBAG does not assume responsibility for changes made by outside sources. To the extend feasible, meeting cancellation and changes to the date, time and location of a meeting will be posted on AMBAG's website.


AMBAG Board of Directors

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ADD TO CALENDAR 04/07/2020 08:00 AM 04/07/2020 10:00 AM America/Los_Angeles Summary of the event Description of the event Location of the event

February 10, 2021 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Meeting Via GoToWebinar
DATE: February 10, 2021
TIME: 6:00 PM

Please register for the AMBAG Board of Directors meeting at:

The San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization Agreement for the Central Coast California Energy Watch contains scanned images and information provided by a third party.  Please contact Ana Flores at or at 831-883-3750 if you have problems accessing the information.

AMBAG governed by a twenty-four member Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each City and County within the region. Elected officials from 18 cities and two supervisors from each county make up the AMBAG Board.  The AMBAG region includes Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz County. AMBAG serves as both a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG).  Required to follow the Brown Act. 

For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750

PDF filePDF fileAgenda       PDF filePDF fileMinutes      

Future AMBAG meetings may be subject to change and/or cancellation. Please call AMBAG to verify meeting date, time and location when planning to attend. Information for all non AMBAG events is provided by external sources and is intended for general purposes only. While reasonable efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained. AMBAG does not assume responsibility for changes made by outside sources. To the extend feasible, meeting cancellation and changes to the date, time and location of a meeting will be posted on AMBAG's website.


AMBAG Board of Directors

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ADD TO CALENDAR 04/07/2020 08:00 AM 04/07/2020 10:00 AM America/Los_Angeles Summary of the event Description of the event Location of the event

January 13, 2021 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Meeting Via GoToWebinar
DATE: January 13, 2021
TIME: 6:00 PM

Please register for the AMBAG Board of Directors meeting at:

The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for FY 2019-2020 and the US 101 Business Plan Fact Sheet Flyer contain scanned images and information provided by a third party.  Please contact Ana Flores at or at 831-883-3750 if you have problems accessing the information.

AMBAG governed by a twenty-four member Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each City and County within the region. Elected officials from 18 cities and two supervisors from each county make up the AMBAG Board.  The AMBAG region includes Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz County. AMBAG serves as both a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG).  Required to follow the Brown Act. 

For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750

PDF filePDF fileAgenda       PDF filePDF fileMinutes      

Future AMBAG meetings may be subject to change and/or cancellation. Please call AMBAG to verify meeting date, time and location when planning to attend. Information for all non AMBAG events is provided by external sources and is intended for general purposes only. While reasonable efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained. AMBAG does not assume responsibility for changes made by outside sources. To the extend feasible, meeting cancellation and changes to the date, time and location of a meeting will be posted on AMBAG's website.

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