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Public Participation Plan


For more information about this plan, contact Regina by email or phone: (831) 264-5096

AMBAG incorporates public participation into all of its planning processes. The Public Participation Plan provides guidance in the structuring of regional transportation planning processes to ensure that, to the greatest extent possible, inter-agency consultation and public participation are an integral and continuing part of the regional transportation decision making process. The participation policies and procedures described in the plan are structured to comply with all applicable federal and state legislation, rules, and express the genuine regional value and interest for all residents to participate in the shaping and implementation of regional policies and decisions regarding the transportation system.

AMBAG serves as the regional forum for the study and discussion of regionally significant issues, including housing, transportation, energy, water, and environmental quality. Elected officials from the eighteen cities and the three counties form the AMBAG’s Board of Directors. AMBAG’s mission states: “AMBAG provides strategic leadership and services to analyze, plan and implement regional policies for the benefit of the Counties and Cities of Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz, balancing local control with regional collaboration.” In pursuing its mission, AMBAG strives to inform and involve its jurisdictions and the general public throughout its various programs, projects, and work activities conducted by the agency.

AMBAG and its regional planning partners seek the participation of a diverse set of communities with an interest in regional planning efforts, including lower income households, minority populations, Limited English Proficiency (LEP) populations, persons with disabilities, representatives from community and service organizations, tribal organizations, and other public agencies.

2023 Public Participation Plan

AMBAG updates its Public Participation Plan (PPP) approximately every four years. Federal and state laws require AMBAG to adopt participation plans to give more people opportunities to be involved in the transportation planning process. AMBAG’s current PPP was adopted in 2023 and informs interested community members about how to engage in AMBAG’s wide range of planning and funding activities.

Current Plan

Current Plan Version


AMBAG Board of Directors Meeting June 2023

AMBAG Office Conference Room
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ADD TO CALENDAR 04/07/2020 08:00 AM 04/07/2020 10:00 AM America/Los_Angeles Summary of the event Description of the event Location of the event

June 14, 2023 | 6:00pm - 9:09pm

Members of the public and non-voting members may use the following link to join the
AMBAG Board of Directors meeting online:

Or Telephone: US: +1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 839 8469 5375
Passcode: 986282

AMBAG governed by a twenty-four member Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each City and County within the region. Elected officials from 18 cities and two supervisors from each county make up the AMBAG Board.  The AMBAG region includes Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz County. AMBAG serves as both a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG).  Required to follow the Brown Act. 

For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750

PDF filePDF fileAgenda      

Future AMBAG meetings may be subject to change and/or cancellation. Please call AMBAG to verify meeting date, time and location when planning to attend. Information for all non AMBAG events is provided by external sources and is intended for general purposes only. While reasonable efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained. AMBAG does not assume responsibility for changes made by outside sources. To the extend feasible, meeting cancellation and changes to the date, time and location of a meeting will be posted on AMBAG's website.


AMBAG Board of Directors Meeting

Zoom Webinar
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ADD TO CALENDAR 04/07/2020 08:00 AM 04/07/2020 10:00 AM America/Los_Angeles Summary of the event Description of the event Location of the event

April 12, 2023 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Members of the public and non-voting members may use the following link to join the
AMBAG Board of Directors meeting online:
Or Telephone: US: +1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 868 5486 0649
Passcode: 123319

AMBAG governed by a twenty-four member Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each City and County within the region. Elected officials from 18 cities and two supervisors from each county make up the AMBAG Board.  The AMBAG region includes Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz County. AMBAG serves as both a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG).  Required to follow the Brown Act. 

For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750

PDF filePDF fileAgenda      

Future AMBAG meetings may be subject to change and/or cancellation. Please call AMBAG to verify meeting date, time and location when planning to attend. Information for all non AMBAG events is provided by external sources and is intended for general purposes only. While reasonable efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained. AMBAG does not assume responsibility for changes made by outside sources. To the extend feasible, meeting cancellation and changes to the date, time and location of a meeting will be posted on AMBAG's website.

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